Reducing the Us vs. Them Divide Through Work Design

Co-authored by Lena Wang and Haiying Kang

Our workplaces—and the work we do—are becoming increasingly globalized and multicultural. Working and interacting with people from different cultural backgrounds has become an everyday experience for a significant portion of the workforce, especially those employed in professional jobs.

This is beneficial for an organization’s productivity and reputation. People from diverse cultural backgrounds have different skill sets, perspectives, and experiences. Having a culturally diverse workforce therefore often leads to better creativity and performance.

Working with people from different cultures can be inherently challenging

However, there can be inherent challenges when people from different cultures work together.

The “social categorization” effect, which describes humans’ mental categorization in which we put others into boxes based on group differences, is commonly observed in a cross-cultural work context. Such a cognitive process is easily triggered when employees from different cultures work together, leading to less willingness to help others.

The workplace can thus become a pressure cooker of different values, languages, communication styles, and ways of working—causing potential interpersonal friction.

That’s exactly what happened at TikTok in London, where workers clashed with the organization’s Chinese management. British employees complained about the aggressive corporate culture, long hours, and leave conditions, which are contrary to the usual expectations at UK workplaces. These tensions were exacerbated by language barriers and different norms and values and led to high staff turnover.

Better work design as a viable solution

While managing and supporting culturally diverse employees may be inherently challenging, improving work design can be a viable solution.

Our research, which focuses specifically on using work design to improve the dynamics between expatriates—those who are assigned by their companies to work in another culture—and host country nationals (HCNs), those local employees who work with these expatriates, shed some light on this.

In one of our recent studies, which used survey data from more than 500 HCNs, we found that workload plays a major role in these employees’ knowledge-sharing behaviors with expatriates.

Reaching out and supporting colleagues from different cultural backgrounds often takes additional energy and effort. Hence, when HCNs are placed under excessive work demands, they are less likely to have the capacity to take an extra step and be proactive. We found that workload makes it hard for HCNs to take others’ perspectives and accordingly share less knowledge with expatriates.

In another recent study, we studied the impact of interdependent jobs on the behaviors of both expatriates and HCNs. Using data collected from 159 expatriates and 795 HCNs in Chinese subsidiaries of 12 foreign multinational corporations, we found that having interdependent tasks promotes expatriates to actively seek advice from HCNs. These types of jobs also increase HCNs’ motivation to help and accordingly offer advice to expatriates.

Our study suggests that organizations could create common goals and tasks that are shared by cross-cultural employees and use performance indicators and reward structures to motivate them to work collaboratively.

Other aspects to improve the work, such as offering intercultural trainings and organizing social activities, could also be helpful. These activities improve employees’ understanding and appreciation of cultural differences and create collegial relationships.

What can we do as individuals?

Even though work design may sound like something for organizations and managers to consider, there are also important lessons for us as individual employees.

Our jobs are not “set in stone.” In fact, there is always scope for us to actively craft our jobs so that they would better suit our interests, values, and skillsets.

Despite the inherent challenges, actively taking the first step to reach out to colleagues from different cultural backgrounds is a good starting point. Such a “relational crafting” of our jobs is helpful because research shows that more contact and interactions could help reduce prejudice and enhance shared understanding.

As we work with colleagues from different cultures, we could also engage in “cognitive crafting” by focusing our attention on shared goals, tasks, and a “team identity,” rather than resorting to our default “social categorization” tendency.

Embracing cultural differences at work requires conscious efforts. A thorough look at the nature of our jobs and finding ways to craft them cognitively and behaviorally would enable us to reduce conflicts, capitalize on diverse perspectives, and achieve stronger work relationships.

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