How Seasonal Time Changes Mess With Our Brains

By Michael Merzenich, Ph.D. and Henry Mahncke, Ph.D. Next weekend, almost all of us in the United States and Canada will engage in that semi-annual ritual of adjusting our clocks by an hour. However, we

The Psychological Markers of Fascism

Recently, some of Donald Trump’s closest military advisors, including former Chief of Staff General John Kelly and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley, have publicly labeled him a fascist. These

Can Sound Waves Treat Depression?

By Mitchell Liester and Bertrand Liang Depression affects millions of people globally, with pharmacologic therapy a mainstay of treatment. Treatments have also included procedures, such as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), and more recently deep brain stimulation

Is BDSM Always About Sex?

Source: Photo by 1MilliDollars on Unsplash When we see BDSM discussed or mentioned in the popular media, it is often referenced as a sexual activity. In other words, it’s largely seen as something that people

Is Politics Shaping Your Love Life?

There is no question that relationships exist in a larger social context that includes prevailing political attitudes. As much as people may wish they could turn off the constant noise of politicians clamoring for media