Does Narcissism Fade With Age?

Source: Dmitry Ersler/Adobe Stock If you’re hoping the narcissist in your life will make sweeping behavioral changes, you are likely to be disappointed, according to a systematic review published in the journal Psychological Bulletin. A

A Vaccine Against Fentanyl! | Psychology Today

What if someday there were a way to prevent death from an overdose of fentanyl—whether the drug was taken purposely or accidentally (as when fentanyl is included in other drugs, and no one told the

How Fans Can Cope With Loss

Source: fietzfotos / Pixabay The untimely and tragic death this week of Liam Payne, one of the members of the wildly popular band One Direction, has brought an outpouring of grief – from family, friends,

Parental Stress at an All-Time High

You’ve probably heard about the recent U.S. Surgeon General Advisory on parental stress. Parents and caregivers feeling stressed is not a new phenomenon. However, today’s levels of stress have parents at a breaking point, with