Does Power Corrupt the Heart?

Source: Gurit Birnbaum In Western cultures, most people enter romantic relationships expecting equality. Only about half of romantic relationships, however, have a relatively equal power balance1. People lack power when their needs depend on the

7 Ways to Deepen Your Friendships

Friendships are fundamental to our need, as humans, to belong. Evolutionarily, friendship has played a vital role in our survival and happiness and continues to offer emotional support, practical help, and social bonding still today.

Can Karate Give Depression a Kick After Cancer?

A cancer diagnosis has widespread negative effects that persist well beyond treating the tumor itself. Detrimental outcomes occur in emotional, physical, and psychological health and well-being, with a pervasive impact on quality of life. Exercise

When Social Support Can Do Harm

Social support takes many forms and is mostly a positive force in our lives. It can involve listening to a friend’s problems, offering advice, picking up shopping, mowing the lawn, or being there ‘just in

Hurricane Milton and Anticipatory Grief

Our minds hate ambiguity. This is one of the reasons why COVID was so difficult. There was no timeline as to when restrictions would end and life would go back to normal. The lack of