Failure May Not Be So Helpful After All

Source: Edvard Munch, Melancholy, 1894 / Public Domain I am fascinated by people who can paint or draw well and have even studied the art-making process scientifically. Every time I have tried to learn how

6 Tips on Being More Assertive to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Source: Tirachard Kumtanom/Pexels New research suggests that learning how to be assertive can significantly reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Assertiveness is a communication skill that allows you to express your needs, feelings, emotions, and thoughts

How Positive Body Image Spreads

Source: Joel Muniz / Unsplash Positive body image refers to an overarching appreciation and respect for one’s own body—regardless of whether it meets society’s expectations for how a body “should” look and/or function. A wealth